Introducing Pilot Duck, he was originally created for the #giveaflyingduck competition created by the lovely people at Frankie And Swiss and The Flying Duck Hotel at Prahran. Although I didn’t win, this little guy was selected as one of the finalists among many other dapper looking duckies and a print of him currently resides within the hotel.
Whenever I work on an animal drawing, I always tend to make up stories about them. I’d like to think Mr. Pilot Duck here is quite ambitious, as obviously his dream is to become a qualified pilot. Unfortunately, I don’t think he has the best eyesight. The googles he wears are actually quite magnified, meaning he is a can be quite a blind duck without his trusted goggles.
Do you make up random stories, or do you think this is just plain silly? Pilot Duck is now available as a greeting card or a giclee art print from my etsy shop.